Southwest Multiple Listing Service Limited Service Listing Packages
List your property for a flat fee on Albuquerque's MLS, the SWMLS, Southwest Multiple Listing Service, through Fixed Fee Realty (a division of Lisa Hebenstreit Realty, LLC) and For Sale By Owner New Mexico.
I've done this before$495
- yard sign
- 12 month local MLS listing
- real estate forms
- listing on popular real estate sites (Zillow,, etc.)
- Listing on FSBO New Mexico
- Listing on local broker websites
- open house postings
- 30 (seller provided) photos on MLS
I'd like professional guidance$995
- yard sign
- 12 month local MLS listing
- real estate forms + broker guidance
- listing on popular real estate sites (Zillow,, etc.)
- Listing on FSBO New Mexico
- Listing on local broker websites
- open house postings
- 50 (seller provided) photos on MLS
- comparable market analysis
- printable property flyer
- supra electronic broker lock box
- showing time appointment service
- guidance and consulation with local broker
- email and phone support throughout transaction
just give me the works!$1295
- yard sign
- 12 month local MLS listing
- real estate forms + broker guidance
- listing on popular real estate sites (Zillow,, etc.)
- Listing on FSBO New Mexico
- Listing on local broker websites
- open house postings
- 99 (seller provided) photos on MLS
- comparable market analysis
- printable property flyer
- supra electronic broker lock box
- showing time appointment service
- guidance and consulation with local broker
- email and phone support throughout transaction
- electronic document signing
All our MLS listings appear on a wide range of real estate sites: